2023 has come and gone - But 2024 will be a year to remember! Here is everything we are looking forward too this coming year!
Oxdog Open 2024

This coming May 11-12 The Cambridge Floorball Club in partnership with Oxdog North America will be hosting another edition of the Oxdog Open.
Last years tournament a resounding success and we are looking forward to another year and another tournament. Set to be hosted at the University of Guelph's Mitchell Athletic centre again, you can register starting Feb 1, 2024.
We will see you on the court very soon!
CFC Golf Tournament

Last year the Cambridge Floorball Club hosted a golf tournament in hopes of raising money for our travel team on their path to the Prague Open. Hosted at Beaverdale Golf Course, the tournament saw 60+ players registered with everyone from beginner to the seasoned golf vet come to participate in the tournament.
This year, coming to a golf course (to be announced at a later date) the club will be
hosting the tournament again, and look to
grow from their 2023 tournament success,
and continue to grow the reach of floorball
within the community.
Cambridge Open Tournament

Much like in years prior, the Cambridge Floorball Club hosted a recreational floorball tournament last year which saw a number of new and pst players coming together for a day of fun, fair floorball. The tournament will be coming back to a gym near you (on a date to be announced later), looking to have both new and experienced players coming together to continue the growth of the sport within our community!
Anual 3on3 Tournament

Another summer, means another 3on3 tournament hosted by the club. What has become a staple within the floorball community, the 3on3 tournament has seen players from all over the province and country coming together for a one day best on best tournament.
Having a brief break due to the pandemic, last years tournament saw 100+ players and spectators come together for a fun day of floorball, and we are looking forward to another tournament coming in August of 2024.
Continued Club Growth

Since the introduction of club memberships, our club has seen continued growth year over year.
The pandemic changed the floorball scene within the country and the CFC board worked hard behind the scenes to create the best floorball experience for their members and casual players wanting to try something different.